What are the Problem Characteristics?

To choose an appropriate method for a particular
          Is the problem decomposable?
          Can solution steps be ignored or undone?
          Is the universe predictable?
          Is a good solution absolute or relative?
          Is the solution a state or a path?
          What is the role of knowledge?
          Does the task require human-interaction?

What is an AI Technique?

          Intelligence requires Knowledge
          Knowledge posesses less desirable properties such as:
        Hard to characterize accurately
        Constantly changing
        Differs from data that can be used
          AI technique is a method that exploits knowledge that should be represented in such a way that:
        Knowledge captures generalization
        It can be understood by people who must provide it
        It can be easily modified to correct errors.
        It can be used in variety of situations

What are the Task Domains of AI?

Mundane Tasks:
  1. Perception
  • Vision
  • Speech
     2.Natural Languages
  • Understanding
  • Generation
  • Translation
     3.Common sense reasoning
     4.Robot Control
Formal Tasks
  1. Games : chess, checkers etc
  2. Mathematics: Geometry, logic,Proving properties of programs
Expert Tasks:
  1. Engineering ( Design, Fault finding, Manufacturing planning)
  2. Scientific Analysis
  3. Medical Diagnosis
  4. Financial Analysis

What is AI?

Intelligence: “ability to learn, understand and think” (Oxford dictionary)

It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.

AI is the study of how to make computers make things which at the moment people do better.

Examples: Speech recognition, Smell, Face, Object, Intuition, Inferencing, Learning new skills, Decision making, Abstract thinking


Token is a sequence of characters of finite length have a new collective meaning.


grammar  is a set of  rules  that defines a legal class of strings in a formal language. A grammar
  is a four-tuples (N, Σ,P,S)
grammar G is written as follows:
G = <N, Σ,P,S>

N - a finite set of non terminal symbols  
Σ - a finite set of terminal symbols
P - a finite set of production rules of the form y->x,where y and x are 

     in (NUΣ) and y contains at least one element in  N
S - is a designated goal system in N

 N and Σ are disjoint. 


A language is some subset of  Σ*, where Σ  is its alphabet.