Public IP addresses
A public IP address is any valid address, or number, that can be accessed over the Internet. Internet standards groups, such as the Network Information Center (NIC) or the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), are the organizations responsible for registering IP ranges and assigning them to organizations, such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
In the Cloud(n) system, a public IP address is an identifier assigned to a virtual router on the network. Any resources that will be available over the Internet will require a public IP address. Public IP addresses can be added in the Cloud Console.
Private IP addresses
A private IP address is any number or address assigned to a device on a private TCP/IP Local Area Network that is accessible only within the Local Area Network. For a resource inside the Local Area Network to be accessible over the Internet, a device within the Local Area Network must be connected to the Internet with a public IP address, and the networking must be appropriately configured. The same Internet standards organizations have reserved the following three IP address ranges that will never be registered publicly:
A private IP address is assigned to each instance created in the Cloud(n) system. Consequently, each instance may only have one private IP address, and additional private IP addresses cannot be added.
A public IP address is any valid address, or number, that can be accessed over the Internet. Internet standards groups, such as the Network Information Center (NIC) or the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), are the organizations responsible for registering IP ranges and assigning them to organizations, such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
In the Cloud(n) system, a public IP address is an identifier assigned to a virtual router on the network. Any resources that will be available over the Internet will require a public IP address. Public IP addresses can be added in the Cloud Console.
Private IP addresses
A private IP address is any number or address assigned to a device on a private TCP/IP Local Area Network that is accessible only within the Local Area Network. For a resource inside the Local Area Network to be accessible over the Internet, a device within the Local Area Network must be connected to the Internet with a public IP address, and the networking must be appropriately configured. The same Internet standards organizations have reserved the following three IP address ranges that will never be registered publicly:
First IP in block
Last IP in block
A private IP address is assigned to each instance created in the Cloud(n) system. Consequently, each instance may only have one private IP address, and additional private IP addresses cannot be added.