Show the different phases of compiler with figure.

Compiler translates an input source program written in any high-level programming language into an equivalent target program in machine language. As compilation is a complex process, it is divided into several phases. A phase is a reasonably interrelated procedure that takes input in one representation and produces the output in another representation. The structure of compiler comprises various phases as shown in Figure

                                                         Figure 1.7 Phases of a Compiler
images Lexical analysis phase: Lexical analysis (also known as scanning) is the first phase of a compiler. Lexical analyzer or scanner reads the source program in the form of character stream and groups the logically related characters together that are known as lexemes. For each lexeme, a token is generated by the lexical analyzer. A stream of tokens is generated as the output of the lexical analysis phase, which acts as an input for the syntax analysis phase. Tokens can be of different types, namely, keywords, identifiers, constants, punctuation symbols, operator symbols, etc. The syntax for any token is:
where token_name is the name or symbol which is used during the syntax analysis phase and value is the location of that token in the symbol table.
images Syntax analysis phase: Syntax analysis phase is also known as parsing. Syntax analysis phase can be further divided into two parts, namely, syntax analysis and semantic analysis.
Syntax analysis: Parser uses the token_name token from the token stream to generate the output in the form of a tree-like structure known as syntax tree or parse tree. The parse tree illustrates the grammatical structure of the token stream.
Semantic analysis: Semantic analyzer uses the parse tree and symbol table for checking the semantic consistency of the language definition of the source program. The main function of the semantic analysis is type checking in which semantic analyzer checks whether the operator has the operands of matching type. Semantic analyzer gathers the type information and saves it either in the symbol table or in the parse tree.
images Intermediate code generation phase: In intermediate code generation phase, the parse tree representation of the source code is converted into low-level or machine-like intermediate representation. The intermediate code should be easy to generate and easy to translate into machine language. There are several forms for representing the intermediate code. Three address code is the most popular form for representing intermediate code. An example of three address code language is given below.
images Code optimization phase: Code optimization phase, which is an optional phase, performs the optimization of the intermediate code. Optimization means making the code shorter and less complex, so that it can execute faster and takes lesser space. The output of the code generation phase is also an intermediate code, which performs the same task as the input code, but requires lesser time and space.
images Code generation phase: Code generation phase translates the intermediate code representation of the source program into the target language program. If the target program is in machine language, the code generator produces the target code by assigning registers or memory locations to store variables defined in the program and to hold the intermediate computation results. The machine code produced by the code generation phase can be executed directly on the machine.
Symbol table management: A symbol table is a data structure that is used by the compiler to record and collect information about source program constructs like variable names and all of its attributes, which provide information about the storage space occupied by a variable (name, type, and scope of the variables). A symbol table should be designed in an efficient way so that it permits the compiler to locate the record for each token name quickly and to allow rapid transfer of data from the records.
Error handler: Error handler is invoked whenever any fault occurs in the compilation process of source program.
Both the symbol table management and error handling mechanisms are associated with all phases of the compiler.